There are three stages is our life -childhood, youth and old age. We spoil our childhood because we keep chasing only one thing that is how to score good marks in examinations? And in this continues process; we compromise our real happiness and start living like an object.

Same way, our young age is focused on trying to get more materialistic things and our craving for earning more money. That’s the reason our youth are spoiling their present happiness in paying EMI only.

In our old age, we are occupied for the welfare of our family, children and grand children. Again we don’t give priority to our own comforts & pleasure.

Desire after desire comes….We keep on trying to fulfill these desires and our true happiness is lost somewhere and things like money, status etc. follow automatically. Choice is ours. Should we choose happiness? Or should we choose other things and forget about happiness.

Buddha says “if a man thinks and act with pure thought happiness follows like his own shadow”. “Happy goes lucky” if you are happy, luck automatically follows you and at any moment you will be able to say “I am so lucky!

If you want to keep a happy attitude you should have a “Healthy mind in a healthy body”. Yoga and meditation help you to keep your body healthy and fit and you will be able to stay away from diseases. If you do Pranayam (Deep breathing). It gives us more positivity. Shallow breathing brings negativity and you feel suffocated.

Take fresh air and do deep breathing. Fresh air does wonders to your skin and helps to get more oxygen which purifies our blood. I wish you to have lots and lots of happiness and live a happy healthy and successful life.

Prof. Sanjay Biyani
Director (Acad.)
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly held on 18th March, 2016)

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