Boxing Day :26 December, Important Day

Boxing Day is celebrated in Western countries especially the UK. The next day of Christmas i.e. 26 November is celebrated as Boxing Day but this day has no relation with Boxing. It is also celebrated in British Commonwealth countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

What is boxing day

On 26 December, the next day after Christmas, there are government holidays in many Commonwealth countries, apart from the UK and Ireland. If 26 December is on Saturday or Sunday, This Day is celebrated on Monday. On this day people spend time with family and go shopping. In olden days, rich people used to give gifts to the poor by filling them in a box. Sales in stores increase significantly on this day in the UK. Once upon a time on this day Britons used to participate in many activities on Boxing Day. Such as swimming in the icy waters of the English Channel, doing charity etc. Boxing Day in Ireland is also known as St Stephen’s Day.

Reason of Celebration

This Day has been celebrated for many years and this day is a government holiday in the UK and Ireland. The next day after Christmas, people spend time with their family. On this day servants in the UK give owner gifts and servants share happiness and gifts with their families. In many countries of Europe such as Germany, Hungary, Netherlands and Poland, this day is celebrated as Second Christmas Day.

How it is celebrated

On this day in the UK people go to watch football matches. This trade is several years old in the UK. If people are not watching the match then they go shopping because on this day companies also offer many offers. Many cook a lot on Christmas day and finish it on this Day.

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