World Water Day: 22nd March: Important Day

World Water Day: Until a few years ago, this situation used to happen that rivers, canals and ponds were visible in small villages. The village used to be submerged due to excessive rainfall. Today the situation is that gradually all the pools and ponds are drying up. It was a matter of the country where we live, where there is availability of potable water. There are many countries in the world where people give up their lives due to lack of clean drinking water. It was decided to celebrate World Water Day only to conserve clean water and to find a solution to this problem. Know its importance and other important information.

History of the Day

In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development decided to celebrate an international day for the existence of drinking water, and thus the first World Water Day was observed on 22 March 1993. After this, many types of schemes were made all over the world to conserve water. Every year intellectuals of the world start working on a subject so that potable water can be saved for the coming generations.

Importance of World Water Day

71 percent of the Earth is filled with water, but when it comes to clean water, its percentage is very low. There are many countries where residents are spending their lives drinking dirty water. Due to drinking dirty water, their health is affected and many times they get premature death so it is important to conserve water so that people can stay alive and get good water to the people.

Theme of World Water Day 2021

The theme of World Water Day 2021 is ‘Valuing Water’ i.e. to give importance to water. With the passage of time and due to increasing population, clean water is destined for everyone, at present it has become impossible on a global scale, so this year this topic has been kept. According to the subject, no person should waste water at all, only then we will be able to conserve it. In the year 2020, the theme of this Day was ‘Water and Climate Change’.

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