Your Resume is an important tool for creating a first impression on your employers mind.. Your writing skills, style of expression and communication abilities can easily be judged through the way you write your resume and can lead to your acceptation or rejection. Following are the points to be taken care of while writing a resume :-
1. A good resume may vary from one to three pages depending on the qualification and your past experience, however don’t furnish unnecessary information just to make it lengthy.
2. Generally it’s always good to present the information on your resume in the following order:-
• Contact details– Your name, email address and a contact numbers.
• Opening statement –It should be in one sentence and may comprise of six to ten lines. You may state your objective in life and the skills and attributes you have that makes you suitable for the job.
• List of key skills– it includes the desirable skills and experience you posses as per the job requirement, like-
• Jobs experience
• Academic Qualification
• Part time jobs
• Any volunteering you’ve done
• List of technical/software skills– This includes your computer knowledge and skills, programmes, languages, hardware or software trainings and workshops you attended etc.
• Personal attributes and achievements– In case you are a fresher you can furnish the employability skills you posses. For eg.-
• Communication skills- Oral presentations and reports made during studies, blogging, research papers etc.
• Teamwork and Leadership skills – Group presentations and reports, part of activity clubs, volunteering in NGOs and other community organizations, captain of sports team etc.
• Problem Solving– Research Studies, Case study analysis etc.
• Courses done online
• Hobbies
• Your personal Attributes– Time management ability, enthusiasm, self motivation and so on.
3. Academic History– Furnish your academic qualification in the decreasing order, i.e. the highest qualification first. Give the percentage or CGPA you scored along with the board you past out from.
4. References/Referees- Your resume should list two people who can positively recommend you as an employee. Ideally your references will be people that you have worked with before. Provide their name, their position title, and a way that they can be contacted.
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