A Real Woman stands for everyone else | Biyani Times

A Strong Woman Who Stands Out From Everyone Else- Happy Women’s Day

Hey People

Like you all know how much I care about you, how much I respect you, love you.

That’s one thing I would love to do for the rest of my life. You know why because you deserve more than what you think. On this International Women’s Day I want to share One of the hardest phase of my life where I used to hate myself so much that I started self harming it was painful initially but slowly gradually it became my habit and I got addicted to it like a drug. I hated my body, I hated myself so much that once I told myself, “you don’t deserve to live”. I have actually faced all the nasty things in life from being molested to bullying to depression which leads to suicidal thoughts. But every time I tried so hard to come out of it because somewhere deep down inside I was a survivor and I knew it that one day I am going to make it, I am going win every battle. And see here I am winning your hearts and earning respect and becoming an inspiration for my people.  We must not care what people going to think of us, just do the right thing. Whenever you feel lonely just remember one thing you are your own friend, admirer, inspiration. Grow from your mistakes and never look back.

Happy Women’s Day ladies. You all are diamonds and rubies and precious pearls. You have your own worth you are rare and exclusive and expensive, let the world know your worth.

Few lines that I wrote last night. How a woman feels when she is merely an entertainment for others and she left with no other option to accept the shitty reality and can’t afford to fight back.

Written By- Ms. Pooja Sharma

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