Counselor’s Corner

We all possess tremendous mental strength which is greater than our physical strength. We need courage more importantly than our physical strength. Very often, we decline our mental energy due to unpleasant circumstances and events, because we depend on others opinion and behaviour.
But, if a person is leading an immoral life, we can’t start following him. Because nobody intentionally wants to lead a immoral life.
It is just like the same way we can’t follow a pig having bath in a dirt. Our response will be that it is not meant for me. I deserve better than that. If we apply the above example in a situation where somebody misbehaves with us or annoys us, indirectly that person is dragging us in the hatred mud will ruin our inner place and our intellect.
It means a person who is making you unhappy and hates you due to his own sorrows should we try to teach him a lesson? In that case, we may drop our energy, if we start fighting with him. It’s better to avoid him and save our own energy. Sometimes people those are trying to hurt us may be facing more severe problems than us. Let us be compassionate to them. Develop the power of forgiveness and detachment.
By this we can remain happy and I think its not possible to achieve inner happiness unless we permit others to do so.
Let us become more strong mentally and use “Let go” theory. Become a thoughtful person who can act tactfully and don’t upset others. Let us be more understanding and try to clean our body as well as our mind by forgiving those who tried to make us unhappy.

Pritha Ghosh, Counsellor, BGC

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