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Staying Positive During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anjali Sharma

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us in ways we could never have predicted just a few weeks ago, from unprecedented amounts of family time to homeschooling to working remotely — or not working at all. These sudden, rapid changes in the way we live, coupled with uncertainty, can feel overwhelming, especially for parents of young children. While we may know that it’s usually helpful for everyone in the family when parents stay positive, it’s sometimes easier said than done. Here are some things to remember:

8tips on how to stay positive during the COVID-19 pandemic


1.Remember, you are not alone

Remember, you are not alone
Remember, you are not alone

This is the time to know and accept that this is not about you, nor your fault. There are millions of others in the same boat as you. We have all got to get through this, together.

2.Remember it will not be this way forever

Remember it will not be this way forever
Remember it will not be this way forever

But it will pass. If you have gotten so far, it means you have been doing something right. Give yourself a pat on the back. In the past several months, you have approached and handled physical, logistical, mental, and emotional challenges rather well.

3.Get the beauty sleep
Get the beauty sleep
Get the beauty sleep
Recall the time when sleep was at a premium. Whether you are working from home and/or quarantine, you have most likely cut down partly or completely on commuting time. Now is the time to rest that alarm clock and get enough sleep before you begin the day’s routine.

4.Learn to meditate

Learn to meditate
Learn to meditate

Scientific studies have proven that the practice of meditation helps us live longer, calmer, healthier lives. There are several options and styles available online. Find a quiet and happy corner in the house and learn this skill. It will also boost your immunity by strengthening the Vagal Nerve Complex

5. Get moving and work out your muscles Exercise

 Get moving and work out your muscles Exercise
Get moving and work out your muscles Exercise

This should be part of your daily routine already. Apart from its physical benefits, exercising releases endorphins in your body, which trigger feelings of positivity. Plan your day ahead and stick to schedules, so you do not have to skip this activity.

6.Pick up a hobby.It could be gardening, cooking, crochet knitting… even reading. Dust your bookshelf. Reread that book you read with joy 10 years ago. Feel the fountains of joy erupt in your heart when flowers bloom in the garden.

7.Stay connected to friends and family, digitally: Just because we’re all practising social distancing, it doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch with our family and friends. Thanks to all the communication technology most of us in the industrialized world have access to, you can have virtual parties and concerts, you can make video calls, chat online.

8.Do not stop learning: When the pandemic began, several prestigious universities were offering the weeks-long course online for free. Maybe they are charging some amount now. Get into that archaeology class you always wanted. Or ask your kids to teach you some computer games. We are only as young or old as we imagine. Learn a new language online, learn how to make Youtube videos…, how about yoga sessions online?





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