10 Tips for Effective Time Management

पूर्वा चतुर्वेदी

1)Create a calendar :

Create a calendar
                                                                  Create a calendar

Assessments and projects have established due dates. Mark them on the calendar, and look at when you need to start working on them. Planning ahead gives you the opportunity to also add in time for fun activities that can help you de-stress. If you’ve downloaded Remember the Milk, all your calendars will be synced up effortlessly.

2) Know your schedule:

Know your schedule
                                                       Know your schedule

Are you a morning person, or do you work better at night? Working on assignments during times when you’re not at your best will affect your success.

3) Prioritize:

Which tasks need to be done first, and which can wait? Make a list and stick to it. Remember the milk  is a great time management tool that assists with keeping track of your tasks, and it can also sync with your Gmail and Outlook calendars, as well as the popular note-taking app, Evernote.

4) Be flexible:

“You can’t make up for lost time. You can only do better in the future,” author Ashley Ormon once said. Class schedules change, but so does life. When you build your calendar, give yourself some slack time in case obstacles arise. If something does pop up and you lose a day, you’ll be able to plan ahead and figure out how to fit in the tasks for the next day.

5) Divide and conquer:

If you know there’s going to be a big research paper or project, work on it in chunks. It’s easier to manage a 15-page paper if you work on it a little at a time instead of trying to do it all the week before it’s due.

6)  Keep healthy habits:

By getting enough sleep, you ensure strong mental acuity. Less than adequate sleep stresses you out and also affects your performance. While studying, take brief stretch breaks to refresh your brain.

7) Learn to say no :

Don’t commit to the work softball league if you know this next course is going to be pretty intensive. Friends can adjust plans if they really want to hang out with you – that big exam is more important than a movie date. Saying no can be hard at first, but keep your end goal in mind.

8) Keep your assignments with you :

Those hour-long lunch breaks during the week add up. Spend your lunch break studying, or if you commute via the subway or bus, you can get in some reading time there as well. If you have kids, work on assignments during their extracurricular activities.

9) Use time management apps:

We all have smartphones. Use yours to your advantage. Instead of spending time on social media, download an app that helps you keep track of your time.

10)  Don’t procrastinate:

This is a pretty obvious one, but working on assignments ahead of the due date will alleviate the need to scramble and turn in sub-standard work. Using a time management strategy like the Pareto analysis may help you if you’re feeling overwhelmed or having trouble completing assignments on time.


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