Cultural Similarities Between India and Japan, By Dr. Madhu Biyani, Asst. Director, Biyani Girls College

The next god I learnt about Daikoku, the god of darkness and who is considered to be the equivalent of Lord Shiva. The God of death, En-ma, is the Japanese counterpart of Lord Yama, Hindu god of death.
1    Some festivals are similar in their religious and cultural significance. One such instance is the O-bon, the festival for the dead. It is believed that the ancestor spirits visit their earthly home during this festival. It is very similar to the beliefs around Hinduism’s Shradhpaksh.
2    In Indian culture, Nature has been greatly respected and worshiped from ancient time. Japanese culture has also reflected the same expressions. Japanese people admire the spring season in form of Hanami (viewing and enjoying cherry blossom flowers) as similar to Basantpanchami in India.
3    To begin with , while praying , both of the palms  are joined together and one bows down before the deity or at the shrines.
4    Ringing the bell while entering the temple and lighting incense sticks are other similarities.
5    Foot wears are prohibited inside the shrines and temples like in Hindu temples.
6    Like the hundreds and thousands of shrines and temples found in India, you can see shrines and temples just about everywhere in the Japan.  The similarity does not end here. I was also surprised to learn that a few Hindu Gods even have their Special Japanese counterparts.  The first God which I learnt about was Bentensama the Goddess of Speech who is the Japanese counterpart of Saraswat, the Goddess of Learning in Hinduism. There are innumerable shrines and temples dedicated to Benten-sama. The next God that I learnt about was Daikoku, the God of Darkness and who is considered to be the equivalent of Lord Shiva. The God of death, En-ma, is the Japanese counterpart of Lord Yama, Hindu god of death.
7    Another similarity which can be seen in everyday life is taking off footwears when you enter a home.
8    Yoga is commonly practiced in Japan. India is known after curry among the Japanese people as the land of the Origin of Yoga. Amazingly, both Asian Countries are greatly connected with each other through their culture similarities.

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