Be a good listener and try to listen to good messages. We have a lot of bad memories in our brain. Try to delete past sad memories which bring sorrow.
To delete any record the easiest method is to replace bad things with good things. If you cannot be free of bad things at least you can try to see good things, listen to some matured person who is more experienced like your parents and teachers. Learn more by listening. Have you seen Lord Ganesha having such long big ears, which is a symbolic idea of listening skill. By listening more we can get more health, wealth, better career, successful job and above all we can keep better relation with all the people we meet in each day. Not only listen, try to adopt good things from their valuable experience of life. If you learn from other’s experience. It will be easier for you to face any kind of situation. But if you don’t want to learn now then one day life will teach you. But at that time you may have to struggle more to tackle the situation.
It’s better to learn today so that tomorrow’s problem can be solved easily. How can we become a good listener? By being thankful to our teachers and our elders. We say no to a lot of good things. From today try to do the opposite. Say “Yes” to any good thing you listen to. Be a good listener and focus on good things only.

Prof. Sanjay Biyani.
Director (Acad).
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly held on 19th Feb. 2016.)

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