Biyani Times

Information vs knowledge driven society || Biyani Time NewsPaper

“We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge”

We can Google how to make a light bulb, but if one component gets missing can we still make the light bulb? I think this summarizes the difference between information and knowledge.

As we are getting more and more busy, life flies by through and we keep running towards information that we see in our path of life, never stopping…never pausing to gain knowledge from that information. This leads us to a information driven society.

As Mr. Phunsuk Wangdoo very famously said- सक्सेस के   पीछे मत भागो, एक्सीलेंस पीछे भागो, सक्सेस झक मार कर तुम्हारे पीछे आयेगी..

And that’s what our teachers are saying to us daily in our lives while we all are trying to run towards that class topper, run towards that 90% marksheet, run towards that illusion that a 90+ percentage decides it all.

We all studied for JEE, we all took coaching for NEET yet why only a few of us could get in. Its probably because we just wanted to score beyond the cut off and the rest of them wanted to be doctors or engineers from their heart.

You can mug up information all you want and write it all on a exam sheet but where are you implementing that information in your life, that’s knowledge!

Personally in my life I have realized information driven people tends to be rigid where as we should all be more flexible, we can gain any information that we want with just a tap of finger on a screen. We can enter any field, pursue any job as long as we have passion and knowledge.

As the future generation of India, we are doing the opposite, we all are getting confined into big boxes, captured all together in one place, refusing to make mistakes in our lives.

Burst open and let knowledge take you…

— Agrima Bhatt,
B.Sc. Biotech-II,
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur

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